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Selected reviews and recommendations

About Love Is All There Is:

Sanne Craft, reviewer, Danish Library Center:
“The novel is a wide collection of impressions, existential deliberations and subtle examinations of the fine details of the everyday and life as a whole … It is well written and intelligent with finely carved prose … Buddhism plays a key role in the novel without it becoming a lecture on the practice. It aims only to relate to spiritual progress, personal development and awareness … Louise Lundberg Claesen has added a fine little novel about gaining awareness in life and finding a sense of belonging to her body of work.”

Søren Staal Balslev, reviewer, in the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen:
“The prose of Louise Lundberg Claesen seizes something pivotal. Her portrayal of places and perception is strong, and every now and then she demonstrates an enticing clarity … She particularly distinguishes herself by depicting space with a laid-back verbal vigor and confidence.”

About Hannah’s Song:

Henrik Strube, Danish musician and author:
“Wildly beautiful collection of poems in Hannah’s Song. There is music, flesh and blood and a full blow on the senses. I haven’t read anything as good for a long time.”

Anne-Meta Lind Brunsborg, reviewer, Danish Library Center:
“It is a book of erotic poems … they praise love in a sensual language rich with images … There are many repetitions that make the poems rhythmical in nature … It is L.L.C.’s first collection of poems … a fine debut. The poems appear delicate, but have energy.”

Jacob, reviewer, goodreads:
“This is a small minimalist book of poems in which powerful reminiscences of love and affection is the red thread. Very compassionate and full of heart. I recommend it.” ★★★★★

Ide Hejlskov, Danish author and PhD in comparative literature:
“Louise Lundberg Claesen has written a wonderfully luminous and different collection of poems about spiritual search and devotion … Hannah’s Song is a sensual spiritual song borne by linguistic paradoxes, simplicity and playfulness, reaching toward nothingness – a spiritual eternity, a tangible you. So beautiful!”

About Camille:

Sanne Craft, reviewer, Danish Library Center:
“Louise Lundberg Claesen writes in a concise, poetic language … She has spent time in Paris, and her knowledge of the city is strongly felt in the novel … The language is quiet and effective. The ripples in the plot are minor on the surface but run deep in the lives of the characters. A well-written novel about a difficult life and problematic love.”

Atomskeater, reviewer, Amazon:
“The writing has a simple beauty to it. It paints an elegant portrait of the Parisian landscape and life, as well as rendering the more minute details of the main characters. I enjoyed the writing most of all, and was drawn into the story almost immediately because of it. The story is short … but it is quite a ride nonetheless, and a good show of artistry and skillful control of the written word.” ★★★★★

Jette Mortensen, reviewer, Holte Library:
“I first and foremost felt like reading Camille because it takes place in Paris. It describes the surroundings and the streets in Paris in a lovely way … We follow Camille in her apartment and can smell Paris through the open windows … The delightful Parisian atmosphere is however soon overshadowed by the grave reasons for Camille’s actions. Even though I normally prefer feel-good books, and this is not in that genre, I can highly recommend the book.”

Tenner, reviewer,
“The language is quite poetic and very simple at the same time which suits the style of the book very well. The book reminds me a lot about old French films … the French nouvelle vague where film directors were experimentomg with new methods. I highly recommend Camille especilly to people who like novels about psychological growth.”